Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Why Its Time To Check Out Crossfit!

A Better Butt than This! (

1) The Butt You've Always Wanted: People who crossfit have the best derrieres. Just Sayin'.

2) Christmas Abbott - be you guy or girl, She's Hot. Nuff said (google it).

3) Get out of Your Cardio Rutt (I don't mean to call you out but we both know its not working). Stop spending hour upon boring hour on the treadmill trying to kill calories and start getting in shape sister!
4) Personal Training - without paying someone the big bucks; A new challenging workout every day with an entire community to motivate you.

5) Its Addictive. Ever had that problem before....Being addicted to your exercise program?

6) Theres No Excuses. You can do a crossfit workout at home or on the road with little to no equipment.
7) Break Through Your Plateaus. You will always make gains with crossfit. You will also almost always be sore (but thats how you know its working).

8) You will Eat Better. You just will. You didn't work that hard doing 150 wall balls to go out and down a double cheeseburger or eat half a cheesecake at 10 p.m.
9) You'll stop weighing yourself and start counting how many burpees and double unders you can do
10) The Group Dynamic: you will always push yourself harder in a crossfit class than you will doing the same workout that you've been doing every day for the last 3 months. I guarantee it.
"Gee Doris I've been doing my workout every day. How come its not working?"(
11) You'll do things you never thought possible. You will see a workout written on a board. It will seem impossible. But you will do it. Because it is written (and hey you can't exactly leave halfway through).

12) Guy or Girl, It will make you feel powerful to Lift Big

13) You will have the Best "Crossfit High."

14) You will be in the Best Shape of your life (while likely spending less overall time working out!)

Check out Crossfit. It Rocks!

The Home and Happy Housewife

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