Saturday, October 4, 2014

30 Days No Sugar for a Full-Fledged Sugar Addict

Home Sweet Home Sweet Home Sweet Sugar. I love me some sugar. Hollarrrrr!

 As long as I can remember I've always had a sweet tooth. My Mom always put like a butter tart or hostess cupcake or one of those awesome fruit pies that you buy at the gas station in my lunch (lets face it she was an awesome Mom but not much of a baker). 

When I lived in Vancouver - serious capital of coffee shops with amazing cinnamon buns and ginormous muffins - I truly put on the like the Freshman 25 due to all the temptation that was before me. I was a twiggy kid so I never had to worry about what I was putting in my body until I hit my 20s (I remember eating a chocolate bar, bag of chips and a Fruitopia for breakfast in High School on a routine basis). Suddenly I was this young girl ready to take on the world but my body was sabotaging me....and I couldn't understand it.

Luckily I was able to learn about true health and I was able to reprogram myself to love the taste of healthy foods and vegetables. However to this day I am still a sugar addict. You wouldn't know it - its balanced by my love of working out and nutritious food like salads and protein shakes but put a bag of cookies in my house or a cheesecake and it will disappear, faster than I'd like to admit. I survive by keeping household sweets to minimum but I would say I definetely eat at least one sweet treat (or two!) each day. 

I don't drink, I am a very healthy eater and currently I'm powerlifting (after a stint of crossfit) which has brought some amazing changes to my body, but I'd really like to see how I look and feel without sugar. Recently I read Cameron Diaz's book "The Body Book" which is fabulous. 
Its really no-nonsense and common sense and just gives you a wake-up call like "Hey I know I'm a Hollywood celebrity but I don't look like this purely due to genetics. I actually don't eat crap. I eat to fuel and respect my body." She eats meat, and whole grains and fruit, but very minimal sugar (no artificial sweetners which skew your sense of what sweetness should actually taste like), lots of vegetables, good fats, lots of protein - but proper portions of meat, no carbs late in the day, fruit for sweet tooth cravings. She packs her own food everywhere so she'll be prepared (like we're talking cold rice and beans in tupperware). I always had this vision of Hollywood celebrities getting to eat at really awesome restaurants all the time and having personal chefs whipping up amazing food, swigging back champagne. 

Not so, not so. They have to work hard and they brown bag it just like the rest of us.
So hey I'm not saying I'll never hork back a ginormous piece of cheesecake again in my day but lets try this and see where it leads. 30 days no sugar for a full-fledged sugar addict (and I’ll throw in no eating after 7:30 just for fun). I'll take before and after pics(did I really just say that?) and keep you posted. If you want to jump on board send me a shout out in the comments. Be prepared: I expect some weak and dire moments. And you know misery loves company.


The Home and Happy Housewife.

Quick Recap 
1) No sugar (this includes white breads and pastas as well, because these are immediately turned into sugar when you eat them. I won't exclude fruit because it isn't the same as refined sugar)
 2)No food after 7:30 p.m. in the evening.

Thats it!


Day 1: No sugar, however piece of late night cheese. Bahahahaha...its true! 
Day 2: No sugar, however ate after 7:30 p.m. - so far the late nite eating is killing me! Tonight I will succeed!

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