Monday, December 30, 2013

Tips Every Fashionista Needs to Follow to Shop Successfully Online

Its January and time for us all to return to the gym. What can be better motivation than brand new workout gear?

More and more people are turning to online shopping. There are some amazing deals to be found out there not to mention that shopping online gives you access to such an array of merchandise and is so convenient for those that live in more rural areas or don't have the flexibility to get to a mall and dedicate a day to shopping (hullo Moms!). With trepidation, I shopped online for workout gear for the first time ever before Christmas and had such a great experience. But I definitely did my homework first. I seriously probably put about 3 hours into making my order come true, being a perfectionist I wanted it to be perfect and it was.

The end result:
Two pairs of workout pants
One workout skirt
Two super-stylish post-workout pullovers
Four workout tops
Equals $150 with shipping.

I was super happy with the quality and fit of all my workout clothes, and let me say for the record I am a recovering Lulu junkie.

So without further ado, here are some great tips to make your online shopping experience a success.

1)Be Resourceful. Don't be afraid to compliment someone and ask them where they got something. Most people will cheerfully volunteer this information. More and more often I find the answer is online.

2) Do your homework. Read, read, read. Google and read some more.

3) Read reviews for each and every item you are thinking of purchasing. Don't ever order anything with less than 4 out of 5 stars. Reviewers will often volunteer information on sizing and fit as well that you don't want to miss.

4)If you aren't sure about the quality of a line or product google it. Someone out there in internetland has an opinion about it. I guarantee it.

5) Give yourself a reality check. Sure it looks great on the model. Will it look great on you(and your problem areas - lets face it we all have them)? Are you ordering 2 because you love the piece or because its just so gosh darn cheap.

6) Put your order together and save it. Look at it the next day, make changes. Keep it in your cart up to 2 weeks while you review and revamp it. This is how you will be most happy with your order. If you impulsively send off your order on the first night you wont put the same thought and care into it. You don't want to have to send things back; you end up paying so much its not worth it. Get things right the first time.

7) If you aren't happy with an item you received, drop your pants a bit on the price and put it up for sale on kijjiji or a local buy and sell facebook page. You are better off selling it a bit cheap to someone than going through the hassle and expense of sending it back.

7) Before checking out, google "coupon code." You can often find an online coupon that will give you an addition 5% + off of your order.

7) Get a U.S. P.O. Box and ship to it. Or use a receiving service in the U.S. Ordering online from the States and having it shipped to Canada will often make a small order run almost double in price. Often times a border guard will just wave you through with your parcel from the States.

8) Wait until you need/want enough clothing to total $50 or $75. You'll likely get free shipping. A smaller order is going to add up with additional shipping charges and probably not be worthwhile unless it is a specific item you are looking for.

9) Make sure you are purchasing from a legit and reputable seller. Seems like a no-brainer but lots of people get bamboozled online. Look at logos and web ips. Do more googling to find a legit seller rating; don't just accept what it says on the site. Also make sure your payment is secure.

Have fun, be safe, and make sure you mention your order to hubby before it arrives (if you'd expect him to do the same): "By the way...." 


The Home and Happy Housewife


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