Over Christmas we watched a number of documentaries including "Fat Sick and Nearly Dead" which I definitely recommend. The star of the film sat on a precipice - he could change his eating habits and live, or continue on his path and die young. What struck me about the film was the sense of entitlement to eat shitty food. Many of those interviewed felt that they would rather eat crappy food and die young leaving behind children and spouses because they were unwilling to change their habits, because it took too much willpower to be healthy and they were somehow ENTITLED to eat crappy food (this sense of entitlement that you see everywhere in the Western world may be at the heart of the obesity epidemic we are battling!)
The overweight man embarked on a 60 day juice fast - pretty extreme but by the same token what he had done to his health was pretty extreme as well and really did call for some drastic measures. Nothing but juice for 60 days! It made me feel appreciative of my own health, and also reminded me that it probably wouldn't be that painful for me to throw in a couple of green smoothies a day - that maybe didn't taste the greatest (by that I mean on par with a booster juice or your favourite protein shake recipe) but that were super-good for me.
I already eat a ton of vegetables but this spot-shot of extra green and protein goodness is a great addition to my diet, very affordable and awesome for the Mom on the run. Plus if I eat a crappy dinner or have an overindulgent day I feel I can redeem myself by upping my green smoothie quota.
Cheap Raw Food Green Protien Smoothie:
Basic Recipe
1 small gala apple
1/2 cup apple juice
2 - 4 TBSP raw pumpkin seeds
3 spears celery 1/2 cucumber
2 cups + of greens of your choice
sprinkle of sea salt
There are many variations on the greens: kale, swiss chard, spinach. I pack as many in as I can fit. I always add a couple of spears of celery and up to a full cucumber if I have it on hand to make it more filling (sometimes I thicken it up with some avocado). Then for sweetness I usually use about a 1/2 cup of flash pasteurized apple juice (not the greatest, but its a conduit for all this other great stuff and it really is super-quick and convenient). The sprinkle of sea salt is key, sounds counterintuitive but it actually acts to sweeten up the whole shake (like a shake of salt in oatmeal).Then I put in about 2 - 4 TBSP of raw pumpkin seeds, or another great source of raw protein.
On a SIDEBAR - RAW PUMPKIN SEEDS - one of the greatest and cheapest sources of raw protein that ever lived. About 18 grams of protein in 200 calories of seeds! That beats even hemp which is also an amazing source of raw protein and super-energizing, chia seeds and flax come next. I think its great to include a range of protein sources - plus all of these seeds have great health benefits. If you are always making the same smoothie with say kale and hemp seeds you are mono-dosing yourself with nutrients. Its like my skin care regimen - some days I use coconut oil other days, olive oil, sometimes argon oil - it pays to mix it up so that you are getting different things from different sources (on a sidebar coming next, my complete, natural, DIY, home skincare regimen!)
Anyways, I hope you enjoy my green smoothie recipe. If you are having trouble motivating yourself remember, at least you don't have to drink nothing but juice for 60 days! Suck it up! Your health will thank you.
The Home and Happy Housewife